Wooden churches

02. Hrabová Roztoka

The wooden Greek Catholic church of St. Basil the Great, 18. stor., NKP

    Wooden Greek Catholic church in Hrabová Roztoka was built in the middle of the 18th century. It was dedicated to one of the greatest eastern saints, St. Basil the Great.
    The building has three parts, three spaces, two towers, and two crosses. Structure of the church is rustic, although the tower has columned structure. It is covered with shingles, laid vertically in horizontal strips. From the front of the building arises tower, covered with boards. It is overlaid by cut roof with an onion dome. On the top is three-barred cross. In the tower are thee bells, one from uncertain year, two being from 1796. Over the sanctuary is a second small tower. The roof in a shape of a cut pyramid, and onion dome on it are both covered with shingles. On the top is three-barred cross.
    Iconostasis (National cultural monument - NKP) is dated to 1794. It has architecture of four rows. First, main row contains the icons of St. Nicholas, Theotokos (Hodigitria), Christ the Teacher and icon of St. Basil the Great. Deaconal doors have no leaves. Rarities are royal doors, which have reduced Tree of Jesse with ten medallions of Christ genealogy tree instead of typical four Evangelists and the Annunciation. Second row of feasts is divided by the icon of the Last (Mystical) Supper. Third apostolic row has the main icon of Christ the High Priest in the middle. Fourth row of prophets consists of six medallions with pairs of figures but because of the lack of space are sloped and difficult to read. On the top of the iconostasis is sloped cross.
    In 2003 five icons were stolen from the church. Because of inappropriate handling these were damaged and it is necessary to renovate them. Presently are stored on another place from the church. Exterior was renovated in 2000. Curiosity of this church is the fact, that shape of the church; iconostasis and altar are preserved from the time of the building of the church.

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