The wooden Greek Catholic church of St. Michael from Nová Sedlica, 1745
Wooden Greek Catholic church was built in the village Nová Sedlica in 1745. It was dedicated to St. Michael the Archangel. The church was severely damaged during WWII, in 1944. Only in 1966 it was transferred to the Open air museum in Humenné.
The church is built on stone foundation, having rustic structure. The tower and the shelter have columned structure. The church has three parts, three spaces, three towers and three crosses. Main tower arises from a roof, which is spread through the nave to the sanctuary. The body of the tower is covered with wooden boards and the body of the nave is covered with wooden shingles. In the tower is one bell from 1811. The nave has a tower in a shape of octagonal and similarly is constructed also the nave of the sanctuary. On the top are metal crosses. Above the main tower and above the nave are three-barred crosses, above the sanctuary is decorated one-barred. The entrance to the church is from the western part into narthex and is protected with shelter.
Iconostasis has architecture of five rows on five levels. It dates to the middle of the 18th century, but the row of prophets is the later one. First, main row contains the icons of St. Nicholas, Theotokos (Hodigitria), Christ and Theotokos (Hodigitria) – not originally from this iconostasis. Deaconal doors have no leaves. Royal doors are precious, because they do not contain classic six medallions with Evangelists and the Annunciation, but altogether on both leaves are twelve medallions of the Tree of Jesse, genealogy tree of Christ. Second row of feasts is divided by the icon of the Last (Mystical) Supper. Third row consists of the icons of apostles, in the middle with the icon of Christ the High Priest with the Theotokos and St. John. Fourth row is solved atypically. It consists of twelve medallions. In the middle are the initials of Christ in a wreath with mitre on the top, carried by two angels. Above the iconostasis is a table icon of the Crucifixion with figures of the Theotokos, Mary Magdalene, John the Theologian, and Longinus the Centurion. Fifth row consists of these icons: Christ and Peter of Alexandria, Ss. Anthony and Theodosius of Pechera, Ss. Peter and Paul, St. Paraskeva.
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